Cleveland Clinic officials are revealing plans to enhance cancer care on the Union Hospital campus.

The hospital system last week announced a $7-million investment into local radiation oncology services. Union Hospital Community Relations Director Darrin Lautenschleger says that will replace the cancer center’s aging radiation therapy equipment and fund other upgrades throughout the building.

“The equipment right now is reaching the end of its projected time life or the time when it’s due to be replaced, and we want to maintain that schedule and stay on that so we’re providing the very high-quality care that our patients deserve right here at home.” 

Radiation oncology services will remain available at Mercy Hospital in Canton during the work, which is expected to begin before the end of the year and wrap up sometime in 2025. 

“Tri-county Hematology & Oncology is also located at Union Hospital, and this project is completely separate. Their operations including infusion treatments will be going forward as usual without any interruption.” 

The amount being spent includes $1-million from Ohio’s One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund and $250,000 from the Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital Auxiliary.

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