Gwen Rummell Reporting – As the fall season approaches, young athletes are practicing in anticipation for the start of school sports.

These activities show appeal to all demographics, especially those in school. Sports can benefit youth by helping them organize their time and gain important life skills. However, heat and rough physical conditions can lead to injuries in younger players.        

Primary Care Sports Medicine Specialist Dr. James Goff, located at Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital, highly encourages those who start feeling pain to immediately talk to a specialist.

“It’s very important not to ignore youth athlete’s sports pain because there could be some permanent damage to growth plates which can affect growth of the bone.”

Dr. Goff also recommends youth follow the “pint per pound rule” which requires athletes to measure their weight prior to and after practices and games. The difference should then be made up by ingesting electrolyte water, Gatorade, Powerade, or any other specialist-approved sports drink.

 “Every pound you lose during that practice, you want to replace that pint back. So if you lose three pounds, you got to drink three pints of fluid to get back into a preventative maintenance for heat illness.”

For a detailed breakdown on the types of sport-related injuries and how to best treat them, contact your sports medicine specialist or visit

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