State troopers say a box truck tipped over on the I-77 north exit ramp at Bolivar Monday afternoon when its driver fell asleep. 

The Akron man driving the truck and his passenger suffered just minor injuries in the crash that happened just before 2:30 pm.

Trooper Matthew Clapper says the driver advised he had been awake for 12 hours and started his shift at 5:30 that morning.

“When I arrived on scene, a 2019 freightliner box truck went off the roadway striking a guardrail and overturned. About 100-200 feet of guardrail damage.”

Clapper says ODOT had the ramp closed for approximately 90 minutes as Rosenberry towing responded and crews addressed the situation.

The 21-year-old driving the semi was cited for failure to control.  

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