The city has increased the age of eligibility to become a Dover police officer.

Now applicants can between the ages of 21 and 50. Before the limit was 35.

New Safety Director Bob Everett recommended the change to Council, backed by the mayor and approved by City Council this week.

The new age guidelines will open up a pool of qualified candidates, including retired military veterans and experienced cops who started their careers elsewhere.

“To me [it’s] absolutely ludicrous in this day and age that we wouldn’t hire that caliber of person” because they’re over 35, Everett said.

Dover currently has an opening for a police officer. It’s the first position advertised with the new age requirements.

Applicants must be at least 21 and not older than 50.

Ohio legislators last year passed a bill allowing departments to hire officers as young as 18. Dover has not moved in that direction.

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