Mary Alice Reporting –

Interested candidates can fill out an application to be part of the Miss Clayland competition coming up in September.

Miss Clayland is a local organization and part of the Miss Ohio Scholarship program and is the longest running preliminary in the state and in the United States.

Director Martha Campbell says for the competition there is some requirements, such as being between 18 and 28 years old.

You must be either a full-time resident of the state of Ohio, you must work full-time in the state of Ohio, or attend school full-time in the state of Ohio. We are an open program which means anyone who meets one of those three criteria, from across the state of Ohio, can enter our competition.” 

The deadline to get in the documents is September 1st and the winner goes on to represent the local area at various functions and at the Miss Ohio competition.

She adds that one key factor is for the contestants to have a social impact initiative.

“Where they are actually going out and doing volunteer work for a cause or organization, or something that they are very passionate about, and I think that’s one of the reasons I love participating in this program.”

Campbell helps Miss Clayland throughout her journey, and she notes that it’s always a great time, especially when that winner comes back to participate in local fairs, parades, and other events.

“Our total scholarship package this year will be more than $5,000. None of that could be possible without the amazing support that we get from businesses, individuals, and organizations. Not only are we providing them scholarships to continue their education but we’re also encouraging to give back to their communities along the way.”

More details on the program and application details can be found at The local program will be held at Claymont High School on September 14th.

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