Mary Alice Reporting –

The base of a parade float has been renovated by Buckeye Career Center students.

The project was for members of the Newcomerstown Veterans Honor Guard and their wagon is now ready for parades and other special events.

The former pumpkin-hauling trailer was purchased over 10 year ago explains Newcomerstown American Legion, Thomas C. Montgomery Post 431 Commander James Dennis Ross, and following conversations with Buckeye, took the trailer to the center in mid-September.

“And I was just amazed at how it looked. I means it’s brand new. Redid the frame work, straightened everything, and put a new bed on form me. They just did a fantastic job. We’re going to use it this coming Monday in the Memorial Parade at Port Washington.”

Four labs participated in the project, Outdoor Power, Construction Technology, Auto Collision, and CAD Development and Design.

Ross adds his appreciation for Buckeye Career Center and what they do in teaching young kids professions that can earn them employment upon graduation.

Lumber for the project, an estimated $800 value, was donated by Holmes Lumber, and the Honor Guard donated $500 to be split between the four BCC labs.

Original Parade Float Base

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