Ohio law requires that dog tags be renewed or purchased before January 31st to avoid a penalty.
Tuscarawas County Dog Warden Ken Griffith says the wearable license is the best way to get a canine back to its family.
“All dogs are to wear the license at all times. Accidents happen and that’s the reason there’s a five-digit number at the bottom of the tag. If a dog is found, call the sheriff’s department or your local [police department]. They’ll either get a hold of us or they’ll run the tag, and they’ll attempt to make contact with the owner.”
The yearly renewal cost is $16 and a three-year tag is $48. This pricing is per dog, three months and older, says Auditor Larry Lindberg.
“If you have an adult dog, you are required to have a license for them. Everybody is required to have a license regardless of if your dog leaves your home or not. The penalty is equal to the cost of license, so it would be a $16 penalty after January 31st.”
You can make an online payment by following the link on the Dog Pounds page at www.co.tuscarawas.oh.us. Tags can be purchased from local participating retailers or at the Auditor’s office in the courthouse annex building.
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