March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month and reminds citizens of the importance of screening and early detection.

For WTUZ Radio, the topic is personal, following the passing of founder Ed Schumacher to the disease on March 20, 2013, at the age of 60.

The latest data from the Ohio Department of Health notes that, in 2021, 32% of colon and rectum cancers were diagnosed at an early/local stage. However, 22% were diagnosed with a distant stage.

Colorectal cancer develops when there is a growth of cells that begin in the large intestine and a change in the DNA happens, explains gastroenterologist Dr. Sapna Thomas.

“Generally, starts as a polyp and can progress into a colon cancer that can lead to death. By removing and screening, these polyps, then we can prevent colon cancer in adults.”

Thomas notes that this cancer is found in both men and women; however, mortality rates in younger women has increased.

“Our lifetime risk for men is about 1 in 23 and women is 1 and 25. So, if you think of 25 of your best friends, one of you developing colon cancer is way too many. We do see younger patients developing colorectal cancer in the more recent years.”

Meanwhile, American Cancer Society Communications Director Alex Vukoder says early detection and screening is vital.

“It’s so important that people are aware Early colorectal cancer usually has no symptoms so people need to pay attention to any warning signs that might occur with advanced disease, but also have a conversation with their doctor about when screening is right for them and what type of screening they should do.”

Vukoder adds that steps can be taken to help toward prevention.

“Diet, exercise, physical activity, etcetera to decrease our risks of getting all types of cancers, but colon cancer is one of those unique types of cancers that if caught early it is very much treatable as well as the prognosis is significantly better than if found in later stages.”

Find more information about the disease and more risk factors at

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