Nick McWilliams reporting – Residents in Dover have the chance to meet prospective government candidates next month.

The League of Women Voters of Tuscarawas County will host the forum night at 6 p.m. on April 10th from the Tuscarawas Senior Center.

Voters will meet with the candidates and hear more about their views on policies, issues, goals, and more, while also opening the floor for questions.

The event will be held similar to speed dating, with candidates seated at a table, and attending residents rotating from seat to seat.

The city will see three candidates campaigning for mayor, races for the city law director, and battles for council seats.

The League asks that only registered voters from Dover attend, and that all residents come prepared to ask their most pressing questions to keep the discussions moving.

All candidates will be the names appearing on the May Primary ballot.

To learn more about their mission, visit or find them on Facebook.

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