The city of New Philadelphia has a couple of openings to fill on its police department.

Chief Tessa Pohovey says the department is down two patrol officers.

Anyone interested can get the application from the city website.  Those must be turned into the mayor’s office by March 14th. The civil service exam will then be administered to applicants at the fire station on March 27th

Pohovey says law enforcement staffing shortages are a problem everywhere right now.

“When I took the Civil Service exam in 2012 we probably had 30 [plus] people and now we have a hard time getting even 10 people. That’s statewide, nationwide.”

Pohovey adds the time between taking the exam, for someone who scores high, and getting hired, can take a couple of months.

Applicants must complete all peace officer training and certification through the state before they can be hired. Pohovey says the city will cover an applicant’s tuition to attend the police academy if they are not certified already.            

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