Mary Alice Reporting –

The Dover Power Plant, demolition, and a gas line project was discussed at the most recent City of Dover council meeting.

Mayor Shane Gunnoe started his report by noting he would attend the American Public Power Association National conference and that demolition of the Midway Lumber building should be completely at the end of the week.

He said that in 2021, Dover created dedicated pickleball courts.

“In the last several years the sport has increased in popularity and demand is quickly outgrowing our capacity at our two courts. With that in mind the parks department is evaluating potential sites and cost for additional courts.”

Gunnoe requested a committee assignment to enter into a contract for the purchase of materials, parts, and labor for a fan inverter.

“For the city of Dover light plant in an amount not to exceed $197,000 and there is a line items for that one. That is for next year’s shutdown. It’s hard to believe that we have to start ordering things already for next year’s shutdown but it has about a 35 week lead time.”

During Service Director Dave Douglas’s report, he noted several gas line projects to take place around the city, with the first one on W. 3rd Street. A start date and overall work schedule was unknown.

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