Mary Alice Reporting – The Village of Dennison will buzz with the sounds and smells of a festival that will be situated near the downtown area.
This weekend’s event starts Wednesday with a queens contests followed by a talent show on Thursday, at 7pm, at the Gazebo Stage. For both days, the midway opens at 5pm.
On Friday, the midway opens at noon, and the evening’s events start at 5pm says Festival Committee President Beth DiDonato.
“Registration for kiddie pedal pulls begins at five and at seven The Ron Retzer Trio will be at the gazebo and Nashville recording artist Ashley Best will be on the railcar stage.”
On the final day, the midway opens at noon, and Saturday’s festivities include a car show with registration at 10am and viewings at noon. A magician will take the gazebo stage at 2pm followed by the New Towne Cloggers at 2pm.
She adds that the Dennison Railroad Festival Parade will then step-off at 4pm.
“It will start at Uhrichsville, on Main Street, down by the middle school and the Moose Lodge, travel down to Third Street, across the tracks, and end at the gazebo.”
The evening’s entertainment continues with visiting queens speaking on the Gazebo Stage at 6pm and then [RE] Live the Elvis Experience at 7pm. On the Railcar, at 7pm, Jon Doe will perform.
Food and craft vendors will also be setup throughout the four day festival and anyone traveling through Dennison is asked to use caution for increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
More details about the scheduled events can be found on the Dennison Railroad Festival Facebook page.
Copyright WTUZ Radio Inc., 2023