Mary Alice Reporting – 

Youth can join a three-day camp that teaches the variety of career opportunities in manufacturing. 

The Tuscarawas County Dale Lauren Foland Manufacturing Camp is hosted each summer at Buckeye Career Center and provides those going in grades 7th and 8th, in fall 2024, the chance to learn about manufacturing careers.

Registration is now open, explains Chief Operating Officer at Lauren International Mike Hovan, until June 17th but spots are limited.

“And what we’re trying to show them is today’s manufacturing, in particularly Tuscarawas County, are super high tech with lots of opportunities not just on the shop floor but also in HR, engineering, quality, and safety. We’re trying to expose the kids to that environment to give them a different impression of manufacturing.”

The exploration, sponsored by many local contributors, will provide the students with diverse hands-on classes from Buckeye and manufacturing companies, and tours of manufacturing facilities.

The camp is July 9th through the 11th, from 8am to 3pm. Cost will be $50 per student. Financial is available.

For more details and for the application, go online to

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