Changes to Ohio Livestock Exhibition Rules sought after by livestock exhibitors and advocated for by Ohio Farm Bureau were recently made to sections of the Ohio Revised Code.

These changes started, in part, as policy created at the county Farm Bureau level and became Ohio Farm Bureau policy at the organization’s annual meeting back in December.

Roger High is Ohio Farm Bureau’s Director of Livestock Policy.

“I was appointed to a subcommittee which really went through the rules and made sure that they were good and sound not only in science, but also would benefit livestock exhibitors as well as our members across the state.”

The revisions will update, clarify, simplify and reduce rules for livestock exhibitions across Ohio.

“For years, it’s been zero tolerance. Any approved drug that’s been found in a livestock exhibition animal. Those families, those animals, those kids are penalized for that. So we really looked at this as an opportunity for us to really get our exhibitions on the same guidelines as the rest of the livestock industry, rather than heavy penalties, because we were still at that zero tolerance level.”

The updated rules went into effect on May 23rd. To learn more about the revised livestock exhibition rules, visit

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