Gwen Rummell Reporting –  In celebration of the project’s second anniversary, the Harrison County Health Department announced the beginning of its 2023 “SilverSneakers” exercise program.

The SilverSneakers fitness classes are held Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 11 am at a few different locations. The focus will be for those over 60 years old, but anyone of any age and fitness level is welcome to attend.

Teresa Koniski, Director of Nursing, says the program has several activities geared towards senior health.

“It’s both cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and then we also have a balance and stretching class that improves flexibility.

The classes are free and all workout equipment is supplied by the health department. Participants will also receive free personalized water bottles, t-shirts, and other items as an incentive to attend.

SilverSneakers has its own Facebook page titled “SilverSneakers – Harrison County, Ohio” for posting class schedules and updates.

For more information, call the Health Department at 740-942-2616.

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