Mary Alice Reporting –

To celebrate the Ohio State Highway Patrol’s 90th anniversary, the New Philadelphia post hosted an open house for the community.

That Wednesday event invited those attending to talk with dispatchers, troopers, and other professional staff to ask questions and learn about employment opportunities.

Post Lt. Laura Taylor says with individuals stopping by, the event overall helped serve as a public outreach.

“Show who we are and what we do. There’s specialty vehicles, specialty positions that are part of the patrol that people might not have know. It’s a way to reach out to the community and get back to that community outreach.”

At the event, older and newer cars were able to be viewed including a corvette and a crash reconstruction SUV.

Additionally, Taylor notes that they are always on the lookout for individuals who may want to be recruited to the patrol.

“There’s always the recruiting aspect of it. We’re obviously short, just like everyone else, so it gives a view of what you can do.”

The Ohio State Patrol started November 15, 1933, when the first 60 patrolmen earned their commissions following training at Camp Perry.

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