Nick McWilliams reporting – This weekend, the Tuscarawas County Democratic Party is offering supporters of an abortion law to sign a petition.
On Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the party will see a petition signing opportunity for supporters of the Right to Reproductive Freedom Act.
A representative from the ProtectChoiceOhio Coalition in Franklin County will be on hand at 1014 Darrell Drive near Tuscora Park.
The proposed constitutional amendment for the state legislative body asks for reproductive freedom, including contraception, fertility treatment, and abortion, be placed solely on the hands of residents.
The piece of proposed legislation is an attempt by supporters to bypass new state laws created by the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court.
Voters are welcome to either sign the petition in support of the change, or read the ballot language to learn more.
Under the proposal, abortions could be prohibited after the establishment of fatal viability, but could not be restricted in an instance of it being deemed to protect the life of the pregnant patient’s life by a licensed physician.
Ohio’s current law restricts all abortions after embryonic cardiac activity can be identified.
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