Mary Alice Reporting –

The summer season kicked of Memorial weekend for Tuscora Park, and train delivery will be soon.

During his report to city council, New Philadelphia Mayor Joel Day said despite occasional rain showers crowds of visitors gathered to enjoy the rides, pool, and concession stand offerings.

He was able to update council about the rides, specifically the train.

“RTY’s waiting for the delivery of the new train it purchased for Tuscora Park and for the installation of a new drive shaft to get the Ferris wheel running. Both of those projects should be completed before the rides close in September.”

Meanwhile, a historical marker dedication will be delayed until Rotarian Sam Hitchcock has recovered from a recent accident. The dedication of the new Kiddy Ferris Wheel will go on as planned on Sunday, June 1 at 6:45 pm. It will be followed by the Summer Showcase performance by the Dover High School Band.

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