Mary Alice Reporting – Ahead of each election, the voting machine go through a process and the local board has schedule the testing.

The logistics and accuracy test occurs based upon the Election Officials Manual and Ohio Revised Code.

Tuscarawas County Board of Elections Director Gail Garbrandt says the test will begin at 9am this Friday.

“Every machine is opened, they’re checked to make sure that there is no old data on it from a prior election, [and] that the machine is functioning correctly.”

The public is able to observe the process the election office in the Tuscarawas County Courthouse.

As a reminder, for the May 2nd primary, not all precincts will be open due to no candidates or issues in the precincts. Find the open locations list on the Tuscarawas Elections Board website,

Early voting can still be done at the elections office and for those wanting to vote by absentee ballot, the last day to request one is Tuesday, April 25th.

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